PAPAPHILIPPOU Aemilia, “Chaosmos “ or Chess Continuum/ Chaos Order Dance”, 2017, Black lights, cotton strings, LG OLED screen and wall mount 65 inches/165cm, sound system, clockwork toys, laundry detergent, metronome drywalls , white plastic reflective surface for floor, floor covered with vinyl PVC soundproof flooring, walls and ceiling of the same color (Ral7016), Courtesy of the Artist and MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections
“Chess Continuum”: an ideogram where Chess is rendered in one single looped line, promoting opposites as complementary, and pointing to a shift from the binary to the nexus. This shift, from the Cartesian coordinates to the Quantum awareness, not only corresponds to the contrasting but interdependent wave/particle duality of the nature of light, but also brings to mind symbols of fluidity and connectivity as the Greek meander and the Chinese eternal knot. In every way, alluding to the emergence of a growing awareness of net-consciousness, in a multiconnected world that suffers,
“Chess Continuum”, Unity as Diversity, is in full progress.