Sleepless Cattleya 5 2017 Aτσαλόσυρμα και μεταξόχαρτο 46,5 x 35 x 47 εκ

CHANDRIS, Pantelis, Sleepless Cattleya  7, 2017, Steel wire and silkprint, 85 x 65 x 45 cm, Courtesy of the Artist


A word used by Paul Celan to refer to someone  “who reveals shadows or is revealed by them”.This series of works is a comment on reality and its image. 

 In this selection of his works, Chandris sculpts the shadows of things and objects, thus speaking of their absence by creating a narrative environment, through which it deals with concepts such as memory. By giving material form to the unstable immateriality of a shadow he attempts to materialize the haunting spectra of reality, echoing Plato’s theory of ideas..